Oh come, let us adore Him

Michigan Catholic Conference will be closed for the Christmas holidays starting December 24, 2024 through January 1, 2025

News Release: Catholic Conference Urges House Judiciary Committee to Promote Stem Cell Research Successes, Oppose Embryo Destructive Research

November 7, 2007

(LANSING)—Michigan Catholic Conference Vice President for Public Policy Paul A. Long released the following statement after the House Judiciary Committee today heard testimony on legislation that seeks to destroy human embryos for research purposes:

“There are more reasonable and less controversial ways to solve the state’s economic woes than by cloning and killing human embryos for unproven and unnecessary research. It has become clear that the proponents of this bill are more interested in creating profits and patents for big biotech corporations and institutions than promoting adult stem cell research that is already benefiting those who are suffering. If this legislation were to pass, the state would be opening the door to human cloning and turning its back on a 30-year policy of protecting the human embryo from destruction. Michigan Catholic Conference again urges the Legislature to change course and promote and fund adult stem cell research in this state for the sake of those who continue to suffer from chronic ailments and diseases.”

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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