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News Release: Michigan Catholic Conference Labels Granholm Call for Human Cloning and Embryonic Stem Cell Research “Irresponsible’

Ethical Adult Stem Cell Research Must be Pursued by Michigan's Scientific Community

January 25, 2006

(LANSING)—Michigan Catholic Conference Vice President for Public Policy Paul A. Long released the following statement in response to Governor Granholm’s call in her State of the State address to repeal Michigan’s law prohibiting human cloning and embryonic stem cell research:

“Governor Granholm irresponsibly told thousands of Michigan families in her State of the State address tonight that repealing the state’s law prohibiting human cloning and embryonic stem cell research will lead to some sort of miracle cure. Governor Granholm is misleading these suffering families into believing that such ‘clone and kill’ legislation will alleviate the debilitating diseases that ail humanity. The facts are that scientists have been performing stem cell research on embryos for over 30 years, and to date have yet to produce any miracle cures for which the Governor has spoken.

“The Michigan Catholic Conference calls on the scientific community in Michigan to continue supporting ethical adult stem cell research. This research does not involve killing innocent human life in the form of embryos and is currently treating some 65 diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Sickle Cell Anemia, heart damage, spinal cord injury, and many, many more.

“Michigan Catholic Conference also calls on all politicians and policy makers to immediately halt any rhetoric that offers false promises to those families who are suffering.”

Editor’s Note: For further information on embryonic and adult stem cell research, click here.

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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